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Macro package for formatting Microsoft Word documents.
Examples, tips, info about macros, VBA and Microsoft Office.
Author: © Alexander, 2007-2023, alex@mtdmacro.ru |
Here are individual macros, sample templates, documents, and other products created by me during the work with the programs included in Microsoft Office. There are new things, have written quite some time ago. Free use is allowed unless explicitly stated otherwise.
Word macros
Excel macros
Word macros
Starter for Word
Universal Word add-in installer for Windows. It does not depend on the versions of Word or Windows. Control add-in compatibility with the version of Word. Checking for the old version of the
add-in and its replacement. The add-in, you can choose every time through dialogue, and once entered in a special list that allows you to customize the installer for a specific project. Backup
previously installed files.
Download (password 0): starter_word.7z (v19.1, 22 Nov 2022)
Status, freezing, and error
This is a ready to use status form, all in one: output status, messages, history, percent of execution, how much time has elapsed, and what's left; stop a macro with a button; skipping macro
steps with a button; interrupt the macro on error. Additionally, the project includes the Word freeze macro, while the macro is running, with the subsequent subsequent defrosting. There are examples.
Download (password 0): status.7z (v8, 18 Feb 2018)
Windows Font Installer
Add or remove your own fonts. Use Windows API. 32 and 64-bit compatibility. The fonts appear in the Word list immediately. There's a handy interface with a editable list of fonts. You don't
have to go to the macro code to set up your project. The following operations are available:
* Full installation (copy to Windows folder).
* Temporary connection (in effect until reboot).
* Deleting: disabling, removing from registry, deleting files.
Download (password 0): windows_font_installer.7z (v1, 1 Jul 2017)
Online translation
Macros for English-Russian, Russian-English, etc. translation of the text, with use of Internet service "Microsoft Translator" (Bing.com).
Can be used in any application of MS Office - Excel for example.
Download (password 0): microsoft_translator.7z (2012)
Content controls
Macros for automation of the elements "Combo Box", "Drop-down List", etc. Allow, at change of the main element, automatically to update values of subordinates and as to hide
or display document fragments. Structure very flexible. Example inside.
Download (password 0): content_control.7z (2013)
Macros for quick connect / disconnect a Word add-in. If the Word is loaded a lot of add-ins or one large (the same package "Metodichka"), then it slows down and overloads the
interface with unnecessary buttons. Therefore, conveniently activate an add-in, only when you need it. What makes this macro.
Download (password 0): integrator.7z (v5, 2014)
Excel macros
Starter for Excel
Universal Excel add-in installer for Windows. Does not depend on the version of Excel or Windows. Checking for the old version of the add-in and its safe replacement. Removing add-ins from the
Excel list. The add-in, you can choose every time through dialogue, and once entered in a special list that allows you to customize the installer for a specific project. Installing and removing
the subfolders. Backup previously installed files.
Download (password 0): starter_excel.7z (v.12, 6 Apr 2017)
Global search
Macro to search on all of the worksheets in the workbook. It is implemented as a small handy panel. There is also a form.
Download (password 0): find_global.7z (2005)
Serious and a great project. It is intended for filling of payment orders and their account. Automate everything you can! Detailed instructions included.
Download (password 0): platezhka.7z (2005)
Print envelopes
It is made for a mass print of envelopes from the addressee to group of recipients on the list. Looks solidly: lot of buttons and any automation. I remember that printed and rejoiced.
Download (password 0): envelope.7z (2005)
Find duplicates
If in the name of a column there is "[ä]", then the current date is inserted into the cell, when you make changes in the row. If in the name of a column there is "[ï]", at
value input, there is a search of duplicates and a warning.
Download (password 0): duplicate.7z (2005)