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Macro package for formatting Microsoft Word documents.
Examples, tips, info about macros, VBA and Microsoft Office.
Author: © Alexander, 2007-2023, alex@mtdmacro.ru |
Package "Metodichka" is a set of tools for working with documents in Microsoft Word (Word). Package simplifies the handling of unformatted text, scanned literature, helps to quickly
format a document, term paper or thesis, and saves time when you work with the flow of documentation, automating the routine grunt work. Over time, accumulated experience and implements most of
the common tasks for formatting. Therefore, it is very flexible and can be quickly configured or modified to meet new requirements.
The package consists of one file "Metodichka" is a Word template, with built-in macros, tab on the Ribbon, toolbar, styles, etc., which is installed as an add-in for Word.
Interface package is designed for the average user, and is optimized for the popular version of the Word (see the section "Compatibility").
Text processing in package is focused on Latin and Cyrillic (Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Western European languages).
The package code is open and will be interesting for users working with macros and for learning Visual Basic for Application language (VBA). Available as a common package and macros useful ancillary
procedures, functions, and constants.
Tab "Metodichka" on the Ribbon
Design of the tab allows working both in normal mode - you can see all of the groups, and compact - visible only active groups. Features:
- Entering and exiting the compact mode is to click the icon of the dialogue
(at the bottom of any group, to the right of the title)
- To manage the compact mode, creates a group "Pocket"
- Size of the buttons in the "Pocket" can be reduced by clicking the dialog icon

- Group "Pocket" contains:
- The expand button for hidden groups.
"Multi" toggle - able to see several groups or only one.
"Quick Start" menu, with the most recently used macros buttons.
"Lock" button, to preserve the appearance of the tabs in order to restore the next time you start Word.
Keyboard quick setup mode switch: when this mode is enabled, pressing the menu item invokes the standard dialog "Keyboard"
for the corresponding macro.
- Normal view:

Group "Macro" - key macros in Package
- Is the main instrument. Contains both the individual macros and macro packages that combine smaller macros. Popular description is given in the section "Features".
List all macros presented on the page "Macros".
Group "Misc"
- "View" menu - the appearance of the document and the visibility of its individual elements
- Hide / Show: field codes, tabs, spaces, paragraph marks, hidden text, hyphens, shapes, bookmarks, color selection, etc.
- "Buffer" menu - work with clipboard
- Insert text: plain; preserving the original format, using the adjacent format.
- Insert list: start numbering from the beginning; continuing the numbering; combining the nearest similar.
- Insert table cells: as text; as table rows; instead of the selected cells; preserving the original format; from the edge of the table with the alignment of widths.
- "Story" menu - selecting standard parts of a document
- Main, footnotes, headers, footers, comments, and all the others.
- "Expand" menu - extension of the selection
- Select whole: story, sections, pages, tables, rows and columns of tables, lists, etc.
- Selection the same type formatting: indent paragraphs, font size, etc.
- Selection unsigned end of the cell: paragraphs; lines.
- Original elements: cap table from the context; list as text; text before the brackets or quotes.
- "Select" menu - change in the selected area
- Select current, previous or next paragraph, line.
- Moves the cursor to the beginning or end of the paragraph, line, hanging word.
- "Style" menu - assign styles to selected area
- If the style is not in the document, before assigning it recreated.
Group "Find" - search the document
- A detailed description is given on the page "Macros" in the "Search" section.
- Menu "Item" - elements of the document search
- Elements: the titles and headings of a paragraph (for context and drawing), numbered and bulleted lists, lists as text, formula as text, footnotes and references in text, tables, pictures,
or objects of all types, spelling and grammatical errors, fields, bookmarks, etc.
- Menu "Font" - search font with desired properties
- Search for the font properties one by one or all together, on the presence or absence of.
- Font properties: bold, italic, underline, super/subscript, caps, spacing, strikethrough, color, shadow, outline, emboss, engrave, animation, position, scaling, style, etc.
- Menu "Text" - search for text elements in the document
- Text elements: acronym, text from capital letters, Latin, Cyrillic, the text in brackets or quotes, surname and initials, Roman number, date, century, year, month, time, etc.
Group "Action" contains macros for fast processing
- Action macros are executed immediately, without prompting and confirmation by processing the selected area or item. A list of all Actions represented on the page "Macros" in
"Action" section.
- A short list of popular Actions:
- Menu "Text": add contour; non-breaking spaces; spaces instead of tabs; make a double quotation mark corner, etc.
- Menu "Font": italic bold; bold italic; bold capital; degrease direct; underline italic; bold underline, etc.
- Menu "Paragraph": add a frame; zero padding; add a tab stop to the right with an underline; remove blank, etc.
- Menu "Math": two decimal places; split a integer part on the level of thousands; format the formula with a list of variables; convert to table formula with a list
of variables; break up the formula to cells, etc.
- Menu "List": convert a list into the text; convert text to a bulleted list; bulleted list 1 from the gallery;
numbered list 1 from the gallery, etc.
- Menu "Table": align the center of the page; align the left edge; dashes in the blank cells; width 100%; keep together; crop empty rows and columns on the edges; autoheight;
best fit; borderless; no lines; merge cells with an invisible boundary; merge cell with empty neighboring etc.
Group "Step" - commands to step through changes to the parameters
- Parameters: spacing and font size; line spacing; paragraph margins; table width; cell padding of table; image zoom; text box margins.
- An array of options-steps and keyboard commands the user can customize.
- Accuracy can be any, right down to the lowest possible step of the corresponding parameter.
- Details on the page "Macros" in the "Step" section.
Group "Shift" - commands to move text
- Buffer is not in use. It is possible to undo. Selection remains.
- Operations:
- Current Selection to the beginning or end of the document.
- Paragraph, word, or character change places with the next or previous.
- Details on the page "Macros" in the "Shift" section.
Group "Char" - quickly insert chars
- Character sets: modifiers (accent, the tilde, etc.); letters of the Greek, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Russian, English alphabets; symbols; units of measure, etc.
Some elements from the tab "Metodichka" submitted for standard Ribbon tabs:
- on the "Home" tab - group "Metodichka" with menu "Clipboard", "Story",
- on the "Insert" tab - group "Metodichka" containing the menu to insert symbols.
Command Bar "Metodichka"
Elements of the Command Bar are similar to the same Ribbon elements (see above):

Menu and Buttons of the Command Bar are working when you move or copy to another Command Bar, to another Document.
Macros of the package
Public macros included in the Package, are available in the standard list of Word macros (Alt + F8).
Package macros names starts with the text "Mnnn" (Macro), commands names
- with the text "Annn" (Action), where nnn is a unique number.
Macros whose names contain the word "Pack" is the packages where multiple macros are run one after the other, in the manner and
with the settings best suited to the task.
- Search and replace text in documents.
- Uses the standard "find and replace" and all of its features.
- Processing of documents macro.
- You can enter the name of your macro or select a macro from the list.
- Changing document properties.
- On separator: break of page or section, the specified style.
- By the number of: characters, words, paragraphs, pages.
- Result: new numbered documents based on the original and retains its properties.
- Process several similar elements throughout the document.
- Search and view the elements of the specified type in all open documents.
- Elements: page, table (including cells, rows, columns), image, paragraph, line, word, bookmark, footnote, text box, and more.
- Filtering of empty elements, filtering elements by location.
- Spaces, periods, commas, dashes, hyphens, parentheses, quotation marks, etc.
- For example: и т. д., № 1, 100 %, 5 руб., 1 млн, 1 у. е., 2000 г., X-XI вв., 10 км, Д-т 60, Стр. 1, г. Мирный, ул. Зеленая и другие.
- Attaching the unions, extreme words to the adjacent text to properly wrapped.
- Error are not recognized by standard means of Word.
- The collection of errors is based on the experience of scanning and processing documents.
- as you configure a standard Word search, such finds will be transferred
- adding statistics: the number of finds (duplicates), page numbers
- Taken into account: spelling, styles, and dictionaries.
- Lists of search and replace operations are stored in normal document in tables.
- You can upload, edit, run, test, and save the list and search-and-replace operations.
- The original modes of search and replace:
- Before, after, between.
- In the beginning, at the end of the paragraph, the words, the visible text.
- Standardization of dashes and hyphens.
- Add points at the end, if there is no.
- Language Latin, Cyrillic, mixed and neutral words.
- Greek letters of the Greek alphabet.
- Latin appropriate language in the text of the form "от латинского experto", "от франц. etiquette ", etc.
- Zero padding, removal of unnecessary, rounding.
- Bond bits of the integer part of a nonbreaking space.
- Attach the sign and degree of.
- Splitting of bonding chains of numbers: such as "1,2,3" is converted to "1, 2, 3".
Working with formulas
- Variable names and the names of the units, in Roman numbers.
- Important for unformatted text.
- Saving pictures, lists, frames, hidden text, etc.
- The format of the mark the end of a paragraph is the same as that of the previous character in the paragraph.
- The indentation on the left and first string, justified alignment, are formed using spaces.
- Line spacing (in increments of 0.01 multiplier).
- Paragraph indents (accurate to 0.05 cm).
- Configured array of steps and shortcuts.
- Smoothing of breaks and edges italic, bold, underline, sub/superscript text.
- Uniform typeface of a text written by a non-breaking space or hyphen.
- Font scale (up to 1%).
- Font spacing (expanded, condensed): selected text, only spaces, only the words (accurate to 0.05 pt).
- An array of steps and the combination of keys can be configured for each operation.
- Selection of such width of columns, taking into account the text of cells that the general height of the table became minimum.
- On the page / on the row - horizontally / on a column - vertically.
- Cut off part of the table gets subtitled and cap numbered columns.
Joining two tables with the alignment of cells, including the merged  
- The lines, being one over another, but it isn't exact, and a little displaced relatively from each other, are leveled down.
- Easy search forward or backward fragment table.
- Processing modes: clean cells, paste from the clipboard, deleting rows or columns occupied fragment.
Remove blank rows and columns in tables 
- Field of table cells (accurate to 0.05 cm).
- Table width (up to 1%).
- An array of steps and the combination of keys can be configured for each operation.
- Highlight by a font (bold, italic, etc.), color.
- Delete.
- Search, converting to a list and adding to an existing list, paragraphs with numbering supplement list.
- Conversion to the standard view, margins, indents, fonts and character markers (for example, the same dash).
- Text: picture, its title and the note in the neighboring separate paragraphs.
- Between lines: picture text wraps and anchored to the paragraph with the heading.
- Table: picture, its title and a note placed in the table in individual cells.
- Fitting to a specified size or to fit the pages, columns, and cells.
- Delete by type (line, textbox, bitmaps, etc.)
- Preservation of type (which deletes all the pictures of other types).
- Each paragraph or table converted into a separate textbox on canvas.
- Textbox fields (with accuracy up to 0.01 cm).
- Picture zoom (with an accuracy of 1%).
- An array of steps and the combination of keys can be configured for each operation.
Pages, Sections
- The text is inserted in the first or the last paragraph on each page.
- Allows you to create page numbers as text.
- Browse, filter, group rename, remove or replace.
- Completely - re-assign the style.
- Settings the font, paragraph, border, etc. by style.
- Matching names and settings, highlight and annotate the differences, creating a report.
- Text, tables, footnotes, headers, footers, footnotes, etc.
- Rounding indenting paragraphs, spacing and font sizes in styles.
- Creating and updating bookmarks on the caption numbers.
- Replacing the cross-references to the caption, the text label and a reference to the number of caption.
- An Example. In the text "см. Таблица 1", where "Таблица 1" - this is a reference to the caption, change the reference in plain text "таблицу" (it is possible to enter in dialog mode) and a reference to the number of the caption. The result will be the text "см. таблицу 1" where the reference is the number "1".
Footnotes, Endnotes
- The number of stars equal to the sequence number of the footnotes on the page.
Office 365
See the version of Word.
Word 2019, 2016, 2013, 2010, 2007 x86/x64 Rus/Eng
Fully compatible. Interface - Tab on the Ribbon.
Word 2003 Rus/Eng
Initial project software. Interface - Command Bar.
Word 2002/XP, 2000 Rus/Eng
90% macro works. Package adapts at the request of the user.
In other versions of Word the package has not been tested. Macro language is universal for all versions of Word. In addition, the package is protected from changes in the regional settings of the
operating system (see the section "Regional and language options").
Why there is no trial version?
Firstly, the project code is completely open, in cognitive and educational purposes as well as for security - anyone can see what the macros do. Secondly, Word doesn't allow to protect reliably a code of macros and to do completely closed project I don't want (see first). I will note that there is an opportunity to receive as separately any macro, and the full current version of a package.
For testing, it is possible to send a document sample. I will return the processed macro interesting you.
How to see the macros?
Macros are not available if you have installed package "Metodichka" as an add-on, that is the standard, as described in the instructions. Hidden macros - a characteristic of all add-ins, so is the way Word. Always visible macros open documents and Normal template (usually your macros here). To see the add-in macros, and this case is a package "Metodichka", it is necessary
to open the file in Word as a normal document. In a "Metodichka" package, the special button is provided: group "Macro" > menu "Help" > point "Package Metodichka template". This macro allows you to quickly open the package file without a long search in the Startup folder. Now, the macros from the package are available, you can see the code. Universal
way to see macros of any document: start Word > menu "File" > point "Open" > chose the file > button "Open" > the document opened > passed in the VBA editor (Alt + F11) > watch macros.
Can I edit the macro code?
It is possible and even necessary, if you personally it will be useful, i.e., for personal purposes. Just try to stick to the rules "do no harm" in relation to the project as a whole.
Do I need Internet access to run macros?
Package "Metodichka" does not require a connection to the Internet, does not receive or send any information out. Outside the package "Metodichka", there are macros that use
the Internet, due to the nature of its work. For example, the macro "Online translation" in the "Create" section.
Whether macro security?
The best guarantee of security - it is open source package. Macros in package "Metodichka" work exclusively within the framework of tasks. The package doesn't make any hidden labels and manipulations.
Protection reports virus
When your antivirus program reports that you have a macro virus in your document, contact support for this program. I can only guess why the defense sees a virus where it doesn't exist. The antivirus can simply warn you, can lock a file, can remove macros at all, so say "cure". I think it's a routine reinsurance, that the virus is justified. If you know these macros, or if you trust
the macro author, add a "dangerous" file to the exception and continue to work.
Package "Metodichka"
Purchase (price, buy): howtoget
License agreement: licence
Help file (password 0): mtdmacro_chm.7z
Instructions (installation, configuration, description): readme
Installer (password 0): starter-m.7z (universal see in the section Creativity)
Last update from 19.01.2022
Custom macros
In your own words, describe the task. It is advisable to attach samples of "before" and "after". Perhaps you can help just a tip. The macro will replace the slow monotonous
work with one click. Ordering Guide: order
A new user, with fresh eyes, sees drawbacks of Word that other already familiar and invisible. The opinion of each individual, and could result in a new original idea. If our joint efforts will
be implemented in the package "Metodichka", you will receive the next version of the package "Metodichka" as a gift, or lifetime license.